Astounding and bewildering
Hello, dear readers!
Yes, I've got some. This is the fact which is astounding and bewildering me. If I can buy into the counter, actually a few people lost their way and came here.
On this I immediatley treat myself with some black coffee. If the inclined reader whishes to get some coffee, too, just brew some yourself.
Yesterday I pitied myself a while and then checked if someone's sent me an email. Besides all that commercial spam there really was one Wilson sent. Well, he supposed he's funny, I think, because he attached this picture:

And this coming from am man who's seperated once again...
Anyway, shortly after this discovery he phoned me and asked, if I tried the game yet he got me for christmas. I didn't even try to stammer an excuse and promptly said "No". I should "unearth" and install it and then phone him again.
As I already had nothing better to do, I did as he told me. World of warcraft is no promising name at all, but if my one and only friend is playing it, I should risk a glimpse.
The installation took ages and in between I almost nodded off. On the phone he illustrated, where I should "make a character". He would meet me there then.
I understood what he meant, when there was a hunter approaching me at that game, accompanied by a fat bear named Vogler.
What shall I say? It really got me and was an alternation to my gameboy. But it's somehow alarming, how many nerds stay there until late at night. Somewhere down the road Wilson announced being offline for a short while and disappeared. I ran through an uncanny jungle for a while, until the door bell rang at half pat two (in the morning).
At the door there stood Wilson, armed with two servings of fried noodles he got at the Chinese around the corner and a laptop. I'd really like to know how he manages to always look neat as a pin whereas I stood at the door wearing a crumpled up t-shirt and baggy pajama-trousers.
So I had my first meal for that day (and the other day, too) in the midst of the night and Wilson arranged his laptop on my living-room-table. Time flied when you're playing this and I only looked up again, when at about half past six there was another ring at the door.
Quelle surprise - it was Dr. Chase,the little motherfucker the good, anxious, endearing colleague. Still in the clothes I described earlier and with reddened eyes from all this gambling, I must have made a truly wailful impression. Chase didn't doubt for just one second that I gave myself a medical certificate rightly and stammered something like "Good grief! Get well soon!" before he flung back to his car and drove to work.
Wilsn reported sick then as well and went to get rolls. It is really pleasing if there's someone who remembers such things. Luckily, he anticipated my empty fridge as well and brought additionally the appurtenances for the rolls.
The only thing I always have at home is coffee. (And Guinness, SCottish Single Malt and Cohibas...)
Now I am sitting here at my computer and expose myself to a constant stream of James Blunt. The other James (Dr. Wilson) doesn't get that fortunately, 'cause about one hour ago he went to my bed without a word. I'd like to have a nap, too, now, but the chair is much too inconvenient.
Yes, I've got some. This is the fact which is astounding and bewildering me. If I can buy into the counter, actually a few people lost their way and came here.
On this I immediatley treat myself with some black coffee. If the inclined reader whishes to get some coffee, too, just brew some yourself.
Yesterday I pitied myself a while and then checked if someone's sent me an email. Besides all that commercial spam there really was one Wilson sent. Well, he supposed he's funny, I think, because he attached this picture:

And this coming from am man who's seperated once again...
Anyway, shortly after this discovery he phoned me and asked, if I tried the game yet he got me for christmas. I didn't even try to stammer an excuse and promptly said "No". I should "unearth" and install it and then phone him again.
As I already had nothing better to do, I did as he told me. World of warcraft is no promising name at all, but if my one and only friend is playing it, I should risk a glimpse.
The installation took ages and in between I almost nodded off. On the phone he illustrated, where I should "make a character". He would meet me there then.
I understood what he meant, when there was a hunter approaching me at that game, accompanied by a fat bear named Vogler.
What shall I say? It really got me and was an alternation to my gameboy. But it's somehow alarming, how many nerds stay there until late at night. Somewhere down the road Wilson announced being offline for a short while and disappeared. I ran through an uncanny jungle for a while, until the door bell rang at half pat two (in the morning).
At the door there stood Wilson, armed with two servings of fried noodles he got at the Chinese around the corner and a laptop. I'd really like to know how he manages to always look neat as a pin whereas I stood at the door wearing a crumpled up t-shirt and baggy pajama-trousers.
So I had my first meal for that day (and the other day, too) in the midst of the night and Wilson arranged his laptop on my living-room-table. Time flied when you're playing this and I only looked up again, when at about half past six there was another ring at the door.
Quelle surprise - it was Dr. Chase,
Wilsn reported sick then as well and went to get rolls. It is really pleasing if there's someone who remembers such things. Luckily, he anticipated my empty fridge as well and brought additionally the appurtenances for the rolls.
The only thing I always have at home is coffee. (And Guinness, SCottish Single Malt and Cohibas...)
Now I am sitting here at my computer and expose myself to a constant stream of James Blunt. The other James (Dr. Wilson) doesn't get that fortunately, 'cause about one hour ago he went to my bed without a word. I'd like to have a nap, too, now, but the chair is much too inconvenient.
Nun das war wohl wahrlich eine sehr interessante Nacht - die Erzählung hat mich auf alle Fälle dazu veranlasst hier nun etwas zu schreiben :)
Kaum angefangen mit spielen und schon in den Dschungel geschleift? Das ist sehr mutig - aber was will man schon von einem Arzt anderes erwarten ... schließlich ist da 1. Hilfe ja schon Standard!
Viel Spaß mit weiteren durchzockten Nächten und immer fleißig bloggen - ich gestehe, dass ich die letzten Tage emsing am lesen war.
Es grüßt
Da ist tatsächlich ein Leser.
Jemand, der öfter hier zu sein scheint.
James? Bist DU das?
Nein ...aber ich werde meinen wahren Namen nicht verraten :D
Ich war so "schlau", Ihrem Link zu folgen...
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