Boston again...
love dazed (and fucking nervous)
Weather: clear, 37 °F (brrrrr again...)
Listening to: Have I told you lately - Van Morrison
Drinking: coffee
Can't get no sleep.
After I fell asleep almost comatose yesterday evening, I woke up again at 3 am.
Now I sit here, clutch to my coffee, look outside the window and listen to Van Morrison. The album is Avalon Sunset - I bought it at Boston last Friday.
Yay! I'm nervous.
And happy.
And in love.
And perfectly happy!
And deeply in love!
And..babbling, hm?
... and they lived happily ever after.
I already set the table and got us some croissants from the bakery around the corner. The suitcases are in the sitting room and I'm nervouuuuuuuus! You should see me...
And I was so foolish again yesterday afternoon. I went postal because of that one beer short of a sixpack postcard! Instead of asking James about it I asked Cameron to bring me home.
Then I lay here fretting, downing Scotch, having too much Vicodin and locking me into the bedroom. James somehow opened the door and managed to talk to me. Gawd, I was so mulish and he had to force my eyes open 'cause I didn't want to look at him....I can be so pigheaded - I'm sorry, hun.
Well, he finally convinced me. And we made a decision.
Jim held some conversations on the phone with Mr. Brown, his cousin Sam and Eric and clinched everything for today.
I booked a hotel room at Le Meridien downtown and tomorrow we'll be off to Point Pleasant for the rest of the week.
We have two appointments today...One at 3 pm, the other at 5 pm...
I'm overwhelmed.
And I don't know how they knew this...but yesterday evening there was a present at the door. From my...friend Joey Arnello, you know?
Two brand-new tuxedos, tickets to Boston (flight with...Arnello Airlines at 10 am), an invitation to a special breakfast this morning at his restaurant, the hotel room already paid..and some other nice things...
We will be picked up by a limousine at 8:30 am.
I hear James moving in his sleep...
God, he's so cute.
He's beautiful.
I think I'll join him again...I'm in snuggling-mood.

Weather: clear, 37 °F (brrrrr again...)
Listening to: Have I told you lately - Van Morrison
Drinking: coffee
Can't get no sleep.
After I fell asleep almost comatose yesterday evening, I woke up again at 3 am.
Now I sit here, clutch to my coffee, look outside the window and listen to Van Morrison. The album is Avalon Sunset - I bought it at Boston last Friday.
Yay! I'm nervous.
And happy.
And in love.
And perfectly happy!
And deeply in love!
And..babbling, hm?
... and they lived happily ever after.
I already set the table and got us some croissants from the bakery around the corner. The suitcases are in the sitting room and I'm nervouuuuuuuus! You should see me...
And I was so foolish again yesterday afternoon. I went postal because of that one beer short of a sixpack postcard! Instead of asking James about it I asked Cameron to bring me home.
Then I lay here fretting, downing Scotch, having too much Vicodin and locking me into the bedroom. James somehow opened the door and managed to talk to me. Gawd, I was so mulish and he had to force my eyes open 'cause I didn't want to look at him....I can be so pigheaded - I'm sorry, hun.
Well, he finally convinced me. And we made a decision.
Jim held some conversations on the phone with Mr. Brown, his cousin Sam and Eric and clinched everything for today.
I booked a hotel room at Le Meridien downtown and tomorrow we'll be off to Point Pleasant for the rest of the week.
We have two appointments today...One at 3 pm, the other at 5 pm...
I'm overwhelmed.
And I don't know how they knew this...but yesterday evening there was a present at the door. From my...friend Joey Arnello, you know?
Two brand-new tuxedos, tickets to Boston (flight with...Arnello Airlines at 10 am), an invitation to a special breakfast this morning at his restaurant, the hotel room already paid..and some other nice things...
We will be picked up by a limousine at 8:30 am.
I hear James moving in his sleep...
God, he's so cute.
He's beautiful.
I think I'll join him again...I'm in snuggling-mood.
You are calling it snuggling? Geesh! This wasn't snuggling at all - but thanks for waking me up with that!
what the hell are you doing in boston? and how what the hell are now working in ppth???
Let me say it polite:
It's not your business!
Yay! I actually was in a snuggling mood but changed my mind...
Vogler....just...drop it.
I love that song.
But I'm listening to The Cure now.
Funeral party.
Reminds me of?
Twin Peaks.
Can't just somebody smash my head?
Wanna smash mine instead? Could do with it right now!
My hands are shaking ...
Don't smash you head, Bertie! This would cause a pretty mash! Aaaand I want to have a drink with you sometime! Resist!
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