Flu shot and visitors from Japan
Who - me?
Weather: overcast, 61°F
Listening to: Personal Jesus - Marilyn Manson
Eating: Oreos
Drinking: coffee - what else?
One and a half hours and we're off.
I collected all the things needed and can't wait doing the thing properly. We'll apply for a marriage license at Point Pleasant this afternoon.
I gathered a copy of my birth certificate, state I.D., proof of my residency, my social security card and the $28 fee.
But - we still need a witness (18 years or older) who knows us both. I'm not sure if Jim knows that by now and if we ask someone at PPTH or just someone we meet at Point Pleasant.
Maybe just someone we meet...Or we could ask Cuddy. This would be fun!
I'll never understand why we need that witness just to apply for the certificate which allows us to get married within six months.
By the way there is a 72-hour waiting period before the license is issued. (The waiting period begins when the application is filed with the Local Registrar.) So we have to show up there again three days later (in our case on Monday) and then receive our certificate.
Isn't this all complex? I'm still shaking my head.
Did you get a flu shot already? I got mine this morning and feel a bit dizzy, but fine. Flu shot for clinic staff was scheduled only for today, so it's really crowded there by now.
I went with Chase this morning and we were the first two who got it. Well, Chase was first and afterwards it was my turn. He waited for me and wanted to go back to our offices as we had to discuss a case there.
"Psh", I said. "If we don't show up there now they'll think we still wait for the shot..."
Chase grinned. "There's a point to it..."
"Okay, let's play hooky!", I smirked and we made our way to cafeteria which wasn't open by then. Since there were only five minutes to wait we stood at the door and watched the people passing by.
"Look at all those morons", I muttered and pointed at some weird patients. "I'm glad there's no clinic duty today!"
Chase stared at a guy with a nail in his hand and nodded.
Suddenly a bunch of Japanese came down the hallway. They all looked the same and were accompanied by Dr. Leroy, head of radiology, who showed them around. Most of them were shooting with their video cameras and one took a picture of me and Chase waiting at the cafeteria. He tried to do that secretly and it looked so silly, I burst into laughter.
"Did you just see that? He took a photo of us! Wow, two real American doctors!"
Chase snorted and proposed we should ask him for a copy.
By then the cafeteria was opened and we bought candybars just to have a reason to hang out there a few minutes and watch the Japanese outside.
It was ridiculous. They took photographs of the walls, the stairs, peeped into cafetaria and took some more photographs and then lined up for a group portrait at the main door.
This was so much fun I forgot to ask Chase about Foreman. Crap!

Weather: overcast, 61°F
Listening to: Personal Jesus - Marilyn Manson
Eating: Oreos
Drinking: coffee - what else?
One and a half hours and we're off.
I collected all the things needed and can't wait doing the thing properly. We'll apply for a marriage license at Point Pleasant this afternoon.
I gathered a copy of my birth certificate, state I.D., proof of my residency, my social security card and the $28 fee.
But - we still need a witness (18 years or older) who knows us both. I'm not sure if Jim knows that by now and if we ask someone at PPTH or just someone we meet at Point Pleasant.
Maybe just someone we meet...Or we could ask Cuddy. This would be fun!
I'll never understand why we need that witness just to apply for the certificate which allows us to get married within six months.
By the way there is a 72-hour waiting period before the license is issued. (The waiting period begins when the application is filed with the Local Registrar.) So we have to show up there again three days later (in our case on Monday) and then receive our certificate.
Isn't this all complex? I'm still shaking my head.
Did you get a flu shot already? I got mine this morning and feel a bit dizzy, but fine. Flu shot for clinic staff was scheduled only for today, so it's really crowded there by now.
I went with Chase this morning and we were the first two who got it. Well, Chase was first and afterwards it was my turn. He waited for me and wanted to go back to our offices as we had to discuss a case there.
"Psh", I said. "If we don't show up there now they'll think we still wait for the shot..."
Chase grinned. "There's a point to it..."
"Okay, let's play hooky!", I smirked and we made our way to cafeteria which wasn't open by then. Since there were only five minutes to wait we stood at the door and watched the people passing by.
"Look at all those morons", I muttered and pointed at some weird patients. "I'm glad there's no clinic duty today!"
Chase stared at a guy with a nail in his hand and nodded.
Suddenly a bunch of Japanese came down the hallway. They all looked the same and were accompanied by Dr. Leroy, head of radiology, who showed them around. Most of them were shooting with their video cameras and one took a picture of me and Chase waiting at the cafeteria. He tried to do that secretly and it looked so silly, I burst into laughter.
"Did you just see that? He took a photo of us! Wow, two real American doctors!"
Chase snorted and proposed we should ask him for a copy.
By then the cafeteria was opened and we bought candybars just to have a reason to hang out there a few minutes and watch the Japanese outside.
It was ridiculous. They took photographs of the walls, the stairs, peeped into cafetaria and took some more photographs and then lined up for a group portrait at the main door.
This was so much fun I forgot to ask Chase about Foreman. Crap!
I already asked Foreman to be our witness ... is that okay for you?
Um...okay...it's fine.
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