Thursday, December 14, 2006
About Me
- Name: Dr. Gregory House
- Location: Princeton/ Plainsboro, New Jersey, United States
Only an idiot would try and seek for medical advice here. Don't! In a hairdresser's blog no one asks for a new hairdo. (At least I think so... And these are MY Vicodin - hands off!!! If you'd like to leave a comment - feel free to do so. (But pleeeze try not to annoy me...) This fanfic blog is based on the story of House MD © FOX - most of all the persons and back stories are the literary property of FOX. It's for non-profit entertaining purposes only.
How I survived the days
- Pink Rabbit
- Cheering at my speech
- Staring
- Hello loonies...
- Bury me deep in love
- Good morning
- Lunch break and a disappointed JIm
- Self portrait
- Mail with strange road signs
- Sneaking out for coffee...

Oh my God, Dr. House!
I clicked on that photo to see the enlarged version and printed it out!
Did I already tell you you look awesome today?
But then you looked awesome every single day we met.
Um...Dr. Who?
Is that you again, pink rabbit?
I promise that rabbit was shut behind the door!
No it wasn't the rabbit!!!
Who was it then?
I'd love to know THAT as well!
I have your mobile number.
Be sure I'll call you.
Would love to go on a date with you tonight.
Sounds like Lord Voldemort.
I think it is that California guy - although there are some people having your number.
And as we will be back home again tonite - it could also be someone from the PPTH who is reading that.
It's just my team, you and my family having my number. And that Finn.
I don't think Murdock has it 'cause I didn't tell him.
But that bumfluff picked up your mobile and it looked like he phoned himself with it!
This sounds plausible...
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